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Formula press release
Boulder City, Nevada – For the first time this year, the entire
Formula Factory team attended a national together and the results were
spectacular, to say the least. dR Donny Robinson, Amanda Geving, Mike
Lundy, Warren McDow, and Chad Kerley headed out to the NBL’s Boulder
Dam National to roll the dice with the rest of the national scene heavies
and try their luck at the NBL’s first west coast national.
Donny Robinson has been consistently on the podium for the past 6 months or so but the wins have eluded him on the 20” bike. Not the case in Boulder. dR was on fire winning moto after moto on Saturday. Seemed like it was status quo for dR with a hard fought second in the NBL’s Elite Men’s class aboard his Formula Solution Pro. But when the UCI main came around, dR got out front and lead it from start to finish for his first win this season. “I’ve been trying to maintain a positive attitude and keep things fun,” stated Robinson. Looks like it’s working as Sunday was no different. Donny was out front of nearly every moto. Come main time in Elite Men’s, dR got the holeshot and lead once again start to finish, for his first pro double ever. On top of that, dR grabbed the Sun Ringle Holeshot Award and pocketed another $500. When asked how the double felt, Robinson said “It feels like where I’m supposed to be.” When the points are tallied up, dR will take over the lead in the UCI points standings and extend his lead in the NBL Elite Men’s standings.
Amanda Geving came into Boulder leading both the NBL Elite Women’s and the UCI Jr. Women’s points standings. Geving dominated the Jr. Women’s class at the Christmas Classic in December and Boulder was no exception. Amanda came away with another win and added onto her UCI points lead. In NBL Elite Women’s racing, Amanda grabbed a grabbed a 7th on Saturday and a 5th on Sunday. We’ll have to see where she ends up points wise when they are announced. “I’m stoked on the Jr. Women’s win, not so stoked on the Elite Women’s finishes,” stated Geving. “It’s a long season and it’s a hard class, so just making the main is a feat. Ill be ready at the next one.”
Warren McDow also came into Boulder leading UCI points in the Jr. Men’s division. McDow has been on fire lately with his trademark first straight pull. Warren feels at home in the NBL and it showed in Boulder. In UCI Jr. Men’s action, McDow was out front all day long on his Formula Solution Pro XL. In the main, he tangled with Euro rider Martijn Scherpen out of the gate letting Joey Bradford get out front. McDow settled for third. He made up for it in 17 Expert. After dominating motos all day long, Warren made a controversial pass on Kris Fox and took the win. “His [Fox] team manager thought it was dirty, but everyone else told me it looked clean. I’ll take the win,” quipped McDow. The win should put McDow on top of the NBL’s 17 Expert points standings.
Chad Kerley doesn’t race much NBL, but with the results from this weekend, he should. Kerley battled with Arizona’s Wesley Gunn in both mains where Gunn would get out to an early lead. But anyone who knows how Chad rides knows that the lead rider is never safe with Chad and his incredible track skills behind them. Saturday, Chad reeled Gunn in and set up to pass in the last turn when Gunn went down letting Kerley take the easy win on his Formula Solution Expert XL. There was some speculation that Chad got lucky in the moto and, just to set the record straight, Kerley did the same thing in Sunday’s main and made the pass stick over an upright Gunn. “Don’t ever count me out,” stated Kerley enjoying yet another double, this time in the NBL.
Mike Lundy hasn’t been racing much lately but decided to give the Boulder national a go since its basically right in his back yard. Lundy missed out on Saturday’s racing with an sign up mix up so he went and ruled the skatepark. Sunday, Mike dusted off the rust and looked good in motos and qualifiers aboard his Formula Solution Cromo Pro XL. Come main time, Lundy had a bad gate and the Boulder track is hard to make passes on. Lundy had to settle for 6th for the day. But, the NBL Grand National champ will be back. “I’m over it,” stated Lundy. “I’m on to the next race.”
Formula’s line up of Solution Series USA built frames in Cromo and Aluminum are AVAILABLE NOW, factory direct. Contact Formula by email at, by phone at 619-590-0530, and make sure to keep a lookout for the all new within the next week or so for all the skinny on anything Formula.
We started a discussion about numbers dwindling in the sport a little
while back. Here's another response.
Come and Try Days - Increase Membership
Lynda Collins - President North QLD Zone
Hi Everyone
We live in Queensland and are part of the North Queensland Zone which
consists of 5 Clubs - Walkerston, Sarina, Proserpine, Mackay Pioneer and
All 5 clubs participated in the State wide Come and Try days.
The Zone applied for a grant through Sport and Rec and we received our
money. With this money we hired Wade Bootes for the week leading up to
the Come and Try Day. Every day Wade went to a different club in our Zone.
Clubs were responsible for organising 2 - 3 schools in their area for
Wade to go to. Representatives from each Club and 2 demo riders went with
Wade to the schools.We also handed out flyers to students, advertising
the Come and Try Day for each club.
The Demo riders did Mono's, Wheelies, Bouncing on back tyres, Bunny Hopping
and Jumping. The students and Teachers loved it and the Student had lots
of questions after the Demos.
Wade also did a Coaching Clinic at each Club in the afternoon for their
riders, each Club organised their own Club coaching Clinic.
This proved very successful for all clubs, nearly every club had 20+ riders
turn up for the Come and Try on the Sunday. Wade went to the Sarina Club
as they had the 2nd lowest membership in our Zone.
Our Moranbah Club have had 15 new Licences since the Come and Try. All
other Clubs have had around the same.
We had Wade at Moranbah last July also for a Come and Try Day. We had
40+ riders turn up that day and about half of those signing up also.
In our Zone alone we had over 100 riders turn up to our Come and Try Days
with over half of these signing up to ride.
I would highly recommend that all Cubs and Zones in Australia try this
as it does work.
Wade Bootes was great to have and very professional with his approach
to the whole week. I would highly recommend him to any club or zone wishing
to try this approach.
We should be using our Pro Riders as the kids look up to them.
In case you missed it we asked people who their favourite 80's pros were last friday.
by Brian "Jock" Kelly
Jock Kelly here. I think it would be AWESOME to be rocking up at the gate
for each round of Track Attack next year in Vet Pro with the likes of
Greg Hill, Harry Leary and Stu Thompson! I don't think it's that unrealistic
either. I'm not so sure about Stompin' Stu, but Greg and Harry are still
very involved with bmx in various ways, so, here's hoping!
Number 1 would have to be Greg Hill. His influence on my early days of
riding is absolute. I never did get the full GT set up back
then, ( could never afford it! ), but as soon as i left school and started
working, i was hard core GHP, full on, head to toe!
To get the opportunity to race him, and Stu and Harry, would be insane!
I wouldn't be at all suprised if they totally kicked my arse, but i wouldn't
care! That week of racing would climb the charts as one of the best weeks
of my life
Fingers crossed,
Jumpin Jock.
by Brooke Ellison
I'm just writing in response to the new classes for the
aussies this year in Adelaide. I'm 19 and in a similar situation to
Louise Tye, confused as to which class to ride in 20".
I am certainly not at the same skill level as the Elite women and last
year was the first year that I was eligible to ride 19+ women.This year
I was looking forward to racing with the 19+ women but after abolishing
that class, I now have no other option than to race Elite Women. I understand
that I'm a minority and it only makes sense to cater for the majority
but I just want to race for fun (but still competitively). I'm not trying
to contend for the prize money or a UCI ranking.
Brett Malic - South Australian BMX Association
The South Australian BMX fraternity has lost one of its closest friends,
mentor and dedicated BMX dads.
Steve Wellman, father of AA Pro Michael Wellman, passed away suddenly
on Wednesday.
The BMX community will sadly miss Steve and our deepest heart felt sympathy
go to the Michael and his family through this difficult time.
Steve’s funeral will be held on Tuesday, 11.30am in the Heysen Chapel, Centennial Park Cemetery, Adelaide.
To all that knew Steve, he has been a driving force on the SABMXA Committee for many years. He was a respected coach, and mentor for riders; he was one of the most dedicated track builders SA has ever seen. He was the loudest, enthusiastic and unique line caller. But most of all he was a dedicated BMX father.
Father to Michael, Steve was inseparable from his son, not only on the
track but also off; his support was unrivalled to that of any BMX DAD.
Whenever Michael was seen on the track, weather at the States, Nationals
or at the Worlds, you were sure Steve was there, somewhere keeping a keen
eye out, watching him race or taking up his position on as line caller.
Steve will be watching Michael form heaven now.
Words cannot express the sad emotion felt with the passing of such a beautiful
person. You were such a special individual that made BMX a very special
thing. Everybody that knew you Steve will look towards the finish line
and imagine you pointing at the riders crossing the line, and with your
loud and unique voice belt out your melody of numbers “1,2,3,……….”
Steve Wellman, you will be in our hearts forever.
by Iain Smith
BMX Community,
On behalf of The Cove BMX Club I would like to say a few words with respect to the loss of Steve Wellman, our sympathy goes out to Michael and all family and friends and I’m sure he will be deeply missed. A shock to us all.
Steve Wellman was a man that was always there, whether it was for a word of advise or just stirring shit. He has stood at the canteen corner of the Cove supporting Michael’s racing ever since I joined some 5 years ago and other members tell me there was a few more years before that. He has always supported our events.
Steve Wellman has assisted our club and most others with official’s duties on a regular basis especially the finish line of which I know everyone that knew Steve would miss him most.
He was a man of few words but all of them passionate and strongly delivered
without losing site of what he had set out to achieve and that was to
improve the sport of BMX.
His support for Michael’s racing was constant from club racing to
elite national and world events, Everywhere you saw Michael usually Steve
wasn’t far behind.
His efforts on the SABMXA committee have been ongoing and I’m sure will leave a hole in that committee for some time to come and I know they will also miss him deeply.
Steve and Michael Wellman have always supported all BMX clubs and I hope all clubs can now offer that same support to Michael as he tries to deal with this time.
Steve was a great coach for the sport of BMX and helped many many riders
young and old especially spending time with the cruiser guys at club,
state, and national level.
He is the only person I have ever met that turns up to a nationals track
build day in thongs, but for those who knew Steve Wellman that was what
he wore to most BMX events and if ya didn’t like he couldn’t
care less.
Let us celebrate what Steve Wellman brought to our lives and our sport and carry on to do what Steve loved doing, Improving and enjoying the sport of BMX racing.
On behalf of The Cove BMX Club, committee, members and friends we wish Michael and family all the best and thank Steve Wellman for everything he did for me and the sport.
We are trying to test the waters to see which 80's pro bmxers you (our
readers) would like to see back on a bike, maybe even racing at next years
Track Attack series in the Vet Pro class. For the moment we have only
one suggestion, but keep them coming, we know there are a bunch of guys
out there that would love to see this happen. It doesn't have to be an
Aussie pro either.
John - Melbourne
My name is John, I'm 39, I live in Melbourne. My favourite riders are
Pat Dillon & Eddie King. Yes I would go to see them race again.
Pat Dillon used to be very influential to me whenever I entered the PRM
Bike shop-he would freely give advice & tips etc. He was a very good
rider as well. Eddie King was on the cover of my 1st ever BMXA when he
rode a Torker. I'm wanting to race BMX in 2006-I think there should be
more clinics held so that everyone can come & have a taste & pick
up some tips & then when they have built up some confidence thru practising
they can come back and race.
I think the pathway of starting to race isn't clear or simple. Every race
day should have a board clearly stating what a newcomer needs to do.
Also each race should change to cater for current trends ie seems there
is quite a number of vintage bikes so maybe have a vintage or old school
exhibition race & invite everyne to bring there old bikes. In between
races have a "expression session" where the riders do jumps
to see who can get raddest etc.
I have seen 2 races at Hoppers Crossing in 2005 & 2006
I was told there was going to be a new track & club??? in the western
suburbs but haven't been able to find any info.
Psykopath Industries press release
February has been a busy month across the US for Team Psykopath Industries.
From the East Coast to the West Coast different faces have been representing
the company well and have been making a name and a statement for the company
this year. Psykopath has arrived and is here to make a winning statement
in 2006!
NBL Nationals have seen the surge of Cam Musil, Arguably one of the premiere
pros in the NBL Pro class at this point in time. With a 1st Place finish
saturday and backing up that win with a 3rd on Sunday he is definitely
a threat to make a pro podium at any race he attends. Congrats Cam on
the first win of the season and Im sure their will be many more to follow.
That win came just on time as Cam and the East coast team headed up by
Jay Rhodes had just recieved their 2006 jerseys which after long waits
have finally been shipped to our riders to wear with pride.
The amateur team was in attendance their as well and had positive results
on both the boys and girls side of competition. Switching gears from Alabama
to Indiana, Larry Sliwa represented the cause In Hobart, In to the tune
of 4th place at Steel Wheels BMX. The race was the "30 and Over NO
CLIPS BS OPEN" Thats right all you guys out there flat pedals were
a requirement at this race and many legends were in attendance. With names
like Nate Streiby, Mo Tillman, and Curt Zizzo on the gate a 4th place
finish is a great accomplishment. From what I hear a great time was had
by all and we snagged a pic from Larry coming out of turn 1 with the lead
and a nice grin on his way to winning the lap.
ABA Bakersfield went down this past weekend as well. Being that it wasnt
a AA national some of the hype may have not been there but it didnt stop
about 200motos of amateurs from making their bid to be the top of their
classes at this national that has been plagued by rain in the past. Friday
night we arrived and set up shop with our Xtreme Ryd counterparts, and
sure enough on and off showers were making this weekend look a little
wet to say the least. The ABA stopped practice a few times but held the
pre race without too much damage to riders or the track. Saturday morning
someone called in a favor or two to good ol mother nature because the
rest of the weekend was absolutely beautiful. With the rains the night
before I think the track held the moisture in perfectly and I dont recall
water being put down on the track all weekend. The dirt was moist and
tacky and worked out perfectly.
Pro Open brought out a few AA pros and our own Damian Lopez made the trip
up from LA to cash in on some of the action. 2nd place finish and a few
extra bucks to help out on gas would be a good payout by his standards.
Sean Storms took the win in A pro on day 1 and Sergio Pena took day 2.
In addition to Damians success our very own Shane Marlin extended his
National winning streak as he took top honors in 19-27novice. Not bad
for a park rider who gets stuffed in the car and is always down for a
road trip. Mike Redman loves to hassle Shane and its always hilarious
to see someone laughing aloud while leading a moto. Good job Shane! Austen
Lee had a rough weekend at times but made his way into a few mains in
the super tough 17-18x and cruiser classes. Congrats to him as well and
nothing can hold this kid down. Ultra fast and a great attitude, its hard
to find these days and were lucky to have Austen as a part of our program.
Congrats to the rest of the Am team that was there as well, we got to
get our new jerseys out to the public and some of us got em a little dirty
as well. Be on the lookout for a Psykopath rider at a national near you.
On the street/park side of the scene. Things have been slow but with all
the rains in NOR*CAL the trails hustle has started and building is underway.
Omar Romero is a frequent local at Red Devil again and looks to have a
promising season of dirt riding. Shane Marlin and Nick Valencia between
riding the ramp have gotten the racing bug so they are looking forward
to riding anything in the path let it be a moto at a national or a curb
cut down the street they are enjoying riding and were glad we can help
them out. Zack Held has been getting back into riding more lately traveling
between northern cal and the bay and has checked out spots before he makes
a move to Eureka Ca later in the year. The test track in the back will
also be going under a rebuild after rains have made it evident that a
change is indeed needed. We look forward to making it more track and less
trail this time around and hopefully with city concent we can throw the
2nd annual Psykopath Sprint race hassle free.
Stay tuned for more info and keep your eyes ready for the 2006 race frame
which will be dropping very soon, testing is underway on samples and all
is well so mass production is soon... Lighter, simpler, same great strength?
Even better price tag? Believe it!
Last but not least we are looking to recruit a web guy that can get us
dialed in at
send resumes to
Special thanks to our co-sponsors- ExtremeRYD, Answer,,
BMXSQ Press release
BMXSQ shootout round 4 at Sunshine Coast Yandina has been postponed to
Saturday 4th
The decision to postpone any race event is one that is not taken lightly, and is conducted according to the wet weather policy in place, and in conjunction with all major stakeholder. BMXSQ sincerely apologises should any inconvenience be caused, however the weather is out of our control. Your club secretary is the first contact should you be unsure of events. Your zone execs are your next port of call.
BMXSQ understands in postponing this event that it may conflict with some riders that may have pre-nominated for A.C.T.'s. given this rare circumstance, the executive committee has decided to offer an additional BMXTronic shootout to those contenders that would have normally been able to attend, therefore at round-6 (Beenleigh).
This weeks BMXTronic starters (top 8) will be re-run as it stands at the conclusion of racing Beenleigh. This will be in addition to the regular top eight starters that may qualify for round six (run during break).
Below will be the carry over starters (round-4) for additional BMXTronic gauntlet competition at Beenleigh shootout-6.
Starters for Yandina Round-4 (random order)
To Be Re-Run At Beenleigh Round-6 As Below;
David Wallis
Neil Brunjes (Act Pre-Nom)
Dirk Winter (Act Pre-Nom)
James Connell
Joel Kruger
Michael Vockenson (Act Pre-Nom)
Alex Cossell (Act Pre-Nom)
Steven Janssen (Act Pre-Nom)
(above 8 will re-run at Beenleigh round-6)
Reserves for Yandina Round-4
(if required - at Beenleigh)
Matthew Hill (Act Pre-Nom)
Nathan Simpson (Act Pre-Nom)
Justin Lamb
Michael Young
Mitchell Crack
Mitchell Howard
Chris Courtenary (Act Pre-Nom)
Ben Maher
(above 8 will be reserves for additional bmxtronic event at Beenleigh round-6)
The Starting BMXtronic line up at Yandina 4th March will be as below;
David Wallis
James Connell
Joel Krugener
Justin Lamb
Michael Young
Mitchell Crack
Mitchell Howard
Ben Maher
Reserves will be (in order);
Clayton Smith (24)
Chris Fleming (22)
Ross Domigan (21)
Gavin Carmody (21)
Nick Maher (20)
Nick Deninger (17)
Aaron Hattin (17)
Renee Junga (15)
Andrew Lockhart (15)
Jarrod Royal (8)
Scott Petie (6)
BMXSQ wish all competitors from the Southern Zone (& Qld.) competing
at ACT's, the best of luck and safe racing. Race for your Club... race
for your Zone... race for your State... and most importantly..! Have Fun...!
Good luck all...!
See you at Yandina Sat. 4th March.
Last year (2005) this club set the shootout record attendance at 298 entries.
Fast Track...! Great Club...! See you ALL there...!
Sirius Bicycles press release
Victoria Hill joins Avent/Bombshell
Victoria Hill could well end up in the Olympics. If not on a BMX
bike then as a member of a team in any number of sports… Such is
the extent of her athleticism! Fortunately for BMX, although unfortunate
for her competition, she has decided to focus her talents on becoming
a better BMX racer.
Victoria will join New Plymouth club-mate & Factory Avent/Bombshell rider Rhys Telford (NZ 3 Junior Men) on the NZ Avent/Bombshell team for the 2006/2007 season.
Below is a list of some of Victoria’s achievements for 2005 & the start of 2006.
2005 Taranaki Sports Person of the Year - Junior Female
2005 SPARC Future Champion
NZ 1 North Island Titles
1st 15 Girls UCI Worlds (Paris) Semi-final
North Harbour Superclass 1st
Te Kuiti Superclass 1st
Papakura Superclass 2nd
2005 NPGHS Junior A Basketball Captain. Team was lower North Island Champions.
Selected for tournament team. MVP of tournament.
2005 NPGHS 1st XV Taranaki Secondary School Girls
Hurricanes Regional Team
2005 NPGHS 1st XI Taranaki Women's Squad
Victoria & Rhys are foundation members of the new Avent/Bombshell team that will compete in next season’s Dalitson Team Trophy competition. Also joining the team is Richard Fox (16 Boys) from Gisborne.
NZ Team Riders Wanted
Sirius Bicycles is on the lookout for top NZ based riders. With
places still open the search to fill out the respective Avent/Bombshell
& Revtec Daliston team rosters continues.
The TM’s from both teams & I are currently scouting NZ’s top available talent but we would also like to hear from riders interested in joining either team.
Although the teams will be based in the North Island, riders from the South Island are also invited to apply provided they’re able to attend all 5 of the designated Daliston races.
So what are we looking for in a team rider you ask? Well you don’t have to be the current NZ 1 in your class but a desire & commitment to be would certainly help.
The goal of a Sirius Bicycles team rider should always be to approach everything with as much professionalism as possible. This applies not only to racing but also to your preparation for racing i.e. training & nutrition, as well as the way in which you interact with sponsors, dealers, administrators, officials, the media, & the general public alike. This sometimes means just stopping to talk to other riders/parents at the track & simply answering questions about yourself and/or our products.
In short we’re looking for riders that will race hard, race fair, & represent well i.e. you’ll need to be a good ambassador for BMX & for Sirius Bicycles as well.
Interested riders should forward their profile in the first instance by email or post it to Daliston Team, C/- Sirius Bicycles, PO Box 11-627, Ellerslie, Auckland 1005.
Rumour has it that 2005 World Champion Bubba Harris may well be in
Melbourne for the 2007 Track Attack. There is no doubt that, if he can
make it, he will draw quite a crowd which might even help pull more riders
in the younger classes. That said, what if it were possible to attract
some of your favourite international 80's pros to race in a Vet Pro class
at the Track Attack?. Not only would this get some of the older guys excited
about getting along, but they will take their kids too. And I am sure
that there are some 20-something guys that remember names like Harry Leary,
Greg Hill, Stu Thomsen, Perry Kramer, Scot Breithaupt, and so on.
and let us know who your favourite 80's pro is. Also if they were to come
to Aus would you go along to watch? Don't forget to tell us who you are
and where you are from. Who knows, maybe we could convince them to head
down under for a couple of races.
It's amazing the kind of ideas that are coming though that people
have used to keep new members coming into this great sport of ours. I
am surprised that there isn't a single location where you can find this
information. Just as there should be a how to get started pack for beginners.
Jane Durso - Victoria
Last Year The Frankston BMX Club took it upon themselves to promote BMX
by setting up an information tent at our Council's annual picnic 2 Elite
Riders Jonathan JON JON Hoare and Charles Nelson donated their day to
help us promote the sport.
Then we were invited back for another event which show cased our younger
riders going through basic bike handling skills and jumps. We handed out
flyers as people watched.
Our brochures also included a list of every BMX Club in Victoria incase
someone was from another town.
We also have Michael Kranitz aged 12 attending sports functions, baton
relay etc around the area.
Troy Anderson aged 10 was on the local radio promoting the sport.
The result - in the passed 2 weeks we have 10 New Members and at least
one phone call everyday.
TOTAL Cost for Advertising $6.oo photocopying paper for brochures.
Paul Surrey (bmxtronic) - Sydney
I have given the topic of keeping BMX fun & boosting numbers a bit
of thought after seeing the articles online.
I have one personal experience to offer.The BMX region I lived in (Lower
Nth Island NZL) was very small, only about 5 clubs all 50 or less members.
My father was the pres of our club for a long time and there was one thing
that he did that worked better than anything else we ever did. At the
time we had mostly club riders and about 5 national riders. He hired 2
minivans and filled them full of the club riders (with parents!) and took
them away for a weekends racing at a national open meeting in Nelson.
Not only did they race but it was a roadtrip, ferry boat ride and a campout
too. Most of the people who went on that trip are still in the sport years
What he did is show them the fun and adventurous side of BMX; the traveling,
staying places and meeting people. As well as stuff like looking at the
calendar, sending your entries out, booking your travel and accom, training
for an event etc. You know all that is so daunting for beginners.
After that people from Nelson came to our races too cause they knew us
The second time he did it we even got community trust-fund money for the
Given the distances involved in Australian state & national racing
I think a tactic like this could work very well.
Kent Elliott - Toowoomba BMX Club
Shane, a tough and more complex problem than one would first see. In Qld
the come and try days in most part have been a success. The State sanctions
one day on the calendar where there is to be no racing, and all clubs
are urged to conduct a come & try / track active day. The state supports
this by offering a promo pack, as well as reimbursement of the track active
fee, as well as the fee for a qualified coach to be on hand. This event
could possibly become a quarterly activity, and taken to a national level
eg. BMXA, along with State(s) assistance, organise and run a National
come & try day(s). This could be in conjunction with a national marketing
/ media campaign ?... as per soccer, NRL, etc, etc. I am lead to believe
that some discussions may have taken place regarding this venture (?).
Good question - other 36# days of year. Perhaps clubs could assist themselves...(I say at risk of being shot to hell by readers!) most clubs will have their executive committee - who are usually flat out doing all the jobs that have to be done - in the limited time left within their working lives, but you may be surprised as to the skills that are out there within the other club mums & dads - most of whom may not wish to get into a boots and all exec roll. If the club does not have a working committee, separate to Exec committee, form one. The "other" tasks that need to be done can be performed by this committee - only has to be 3 or 4 people; fundraising, grants, open days and Promotional, etc. Delegate a key person within this committee to be the PR person (and same for other tasks/roles), who’s sole & only job is to advertise, promote, etc, using local media, letters or visits to schools - perhaps with a Senior / Pro rider, etc, etc. Also - find and contact your local Youth Development officer or representative, as it is their job to assist you as well - and you may be surprised as to what help they can offer (remember - they have budgets too). Put the feelers out within the club .. again, you may be surprised at what skills the average mum & dad may be able to offer. there may even be a marketing or PR person who works day job in this field ...Bonus.
Once this person is up and running, and new recruits are coming to visit a clubby or practice, make sure there is a semiformal induction process... rather than just... here’s ya license... safety check... off you go!! Have an info pack / sample bag ready on hand which includes everything that person will need to know about bmx & your club. Make sure the club coach, senior official, or other experienced bmx person spend extra time with new recruits for at least the first 2 months, else, you won’t see them in the future. Most of us take for granted all the bmx jargon, systems, etc, etc. But for a new recruit, it’s a whole new world -and this needs to be fostered.
Importantly, clubs must help themselves, easy said I appreciate. It does take hard work & time. An extra hour every second night perhaps...planning, drafting letters, media, etc?
We have tried this in Toowoomba club (one of the most western in our zone / area), and the club now services members from Warwick, Gatton, Dalby, Millmerran, Highfields, all of these are in separate shires..
Yes, BMXA, States, and zones must carry this burden as well, but clubs would be naive to sit with their hands, waiting for a golden miracle... we as clubs must help our selves first - Yes! It’s Hard Work!, I know! But, you get out, what you put in. BMX has no real boundaries or borders, only the obstacles we choose to place there, so what's works in one area, could possibly work in other areas just a thought!
I would love to here from other clubs around Australia, ideas, successes, etc. As the old saying goes "some of the best ideas, come from the factory floor". The more feedback, info, ideas, the better informed our governing bodies are to make the best decisions.
Look forward to reading more feedback
Brodes, Innisfail QLD
Our numbers have dropped as well, our club held QLD TITLES 2002 with 68
clubbies, this has slowly dropped to 26 current riders (we have been as
low as 15). This strangely enough coincided with the binning of the ROOKIE
PERMIT. Until we find a way to get it up & running again it is always
going to be hard.COME & TRY isn't the answer, it's a lot of effort
for little reward.Yeah OLYMPICS are great (for an elite few) but without
your average clubbies these few won't have a sport after 08. I don't know
the answer, but getting a ROOKIE PERMIT back will make it easier.
Warwick Wheeler - Editor BMXPRESS Magazine.
Shane just on the feedback about Vic numbers.
Just a quick simple story about soccer.
When I was just 8 years old, now three decades ago. I was at a school
assembly with the other 900 or so kids. It was announced that anyone wanting
to play soccer this up coming season, please assemble at one end of the
assembly area to receive details on how to join.
I wasn't playing any formal competitive sport at that stage outside of
school teams so I was interested. I had to wait in line with about 200
kids of various ages to get my info kit. This was just for kids who didn't
play previously.
So within about three weeks I was playing club soccer with a bunch of
kids I was standing in line with at school waiting for info packages.
Apart from an info kit, the entire promotion drive only cost some one
some time.
Something to think about!!!
Graeme Anderson - Board member BMX Victoria
Your comments on the declining numbers is perfectly timed as this exact
subject was up for much discussion at last weeks BMX Victoria Board meeting.
(See next article)
BMXVictoria press release
In recent years the number of licensed riders in Victoria has slowly been
declining. This decline has been of concern to BMX Victoria and also to
affiliated clubs across the state. This very issue was discussed at length
at the last BMXV Council meeting in 2005
At their most recent meeting the board of BMX Victoria finalised plans
to assist clubs wanting to boost numbers. The board have allocated up
to $4500.00 to pay for track active days to be conducted by every Victorian
club during 2006. An allocation is available to each club to pay for the
Track Active permit, the required registered coach and even an amount
for advertising the day locally.
This latest initiative comes after BMX Victoria supported the Portland
BMX club by allocating them the 2005 State championships. Scheduling the
states at Portland was a key point in gaining funding to rebuild their
track. History now shows that the event was very successful and the Portland
club have gained a permanent asset to help them grow the club and the
sport in Western Victoria.
All Victorian clubs will receive details of this latest initiative shortly
and Track active days will be announced on all main BMX web sites including
the BMX Victoria web site
It is apparent that rider count continues to dwindle in Victoria,
which was once the strongest of all the Australian states and has produced
many great champions over the years.
There are many ways this has been addressed in the past to some success,
but there doesn't seem to be much concern or we would have someone assigned
to increasing the number of riders we have in this great sport. I would
have thought there would be some incentive from above since, ultimately,
BMX Australia would only benefit from extra numbers and membership dollars.
One step in the right direction is the club come and try day, the biggest
problem with that is that it's a come and try day...what about the other
364 days of the year?
I don't think that the problem is limited to Victoria, which by the way
is the home of BMX Australia, but it's time that BMX Victoria take the
bull by the horns and not stop and wait to see what the Olympics will
do for the sport, because in 2 years it could be too late.
It's not enough that the association has a website, especially if people
can't find it or the information they need on how to get started. We need
to take the sport to them. Help local communities rebuild existing/unused
tracks or even create new ones, there are towns all over rural Victoria
that are screaming out for youth facilities. Help existing clubs promote
this great sport, even if it's just by giving them their own local media
contact details and some templates to work with.
THE Products press release
Products is proud to announce the arrival of the all new THE LUX and LUX
LV Saddles. The ultimate seat for your MTB, Road Bike, or BMX racer, the
THE LUX line offers the finest seat features available.
Each of the saddles start off built around a carbon base, with a Titanium
seat rail attached. Only the finest imported Leather is used to cover
each saddle, which are then debossed with the THE Torch and THE logo on
the LUX model while the LUX LV model features the new THE multi logo.
Each saddle weighs in at a feather light 180 grams and are available in
Black and Tan.
The THE LUX and THE LUX LV Saddles are in stock at VSI now, and they can be found at bike shops world wide. For more info, please visit
We are committed to developing the best and most innovative products in
the industry. This dedication pushes us to the edge, and very often we
are the only ones out there. "We Like It That Way". We are proud
of the fact we listen to enthusiast everywhere, and work very hard with
the world's top pros to develop and test new ideas. This effort allows
us to deliver fresh new products like you've never seen before. Products
that fill the need and bridge the gap left by the rest of the industry.
For more info on this or any other fine THE products, please visit
VSI Products designs and manufactures quality products for the cycling
industry and services distributors and IBD’s world wide with a great
variety of products from the following companies:
Intense BMX - 12 Different sizes of high quality BMX frames – 2005
ABA Bike of the year
Intense Tire Systems – High Performance line of tires for BMX &
MTB racing
THE Products – Performance line of parts & gear for BMX &
MTB designed for racing
SINZ – A High Quality, affordable complete line of BMX accessories
Vigor Helmets – Full line of Cycling Helmets from BMX, Road, MTB
and kids’ line.
Rave Paks - Hydration Systems to help keep you on the go
Attivo - Pumps, Seats, Grips, Bike Stands, Lights, and Bar Tape
Chatter Box! – Rider to Rider communications systems
by Kent Elliott
"Australia’s Richest BMX Event - 2006 - Toowoomba" March
18th & 19th - 2006
OK... Here’s a BMX Competition with a Difference, basically because
it’s not directly aimed at riders. We hear a lot about riders, who’s
do’n what, who’s racing where, etc. But what about the BMX
Mums? Always the last to know what’s going on, always first to set
up the camp at race days and always last, left to pack it all away, not
to mention having to wash the dirt and mud out of all that filthy race
gear. Soooo...this one is the "forgotten" BMX mums.
He’s the low-down.
Riders (kids, hubby, partner, etc) must email in for this comp,
50 words or less, "Why Your MUM Deserves BMX MUM OF THE YEAR",
and e-mail it into addresses below.
Co-promoters for this competition will be & GAVIN-D (XBR).
Yes, they have mums as well!
The final judging will be by; Gavin D (XBR), Shane Jenkins (,
and Toowoomba event co-ordinator Kent Elliott. These three will confer
to form a consensus to choose the lucky mum... "BMX MUM OF THE YEAR"
The winning Mum will have to be at the TOOWOOMBA 2-Day Event March 18th
& 19th. The Winner will be announced on Sat. 18th March during the
What does my mum get if she wins?
Mum will be picked up from her accommodation at 7.30am by Famous
Harley Dealer in Toowoomba (Mr Boyde Yung - Boyde Yung Harley & Suzuki).
Mum will be transported (hyperspaced.., via Harley & Entourage) to
world famous "WEIS" restaurant for a 5 Star Breakfast. Mum will
be having Breakfast with the Mayor of Toowoomba, Dianne Thorley (great
youth program & BMX supporter) & Councillor Michelle Schneider
(Marketing & Tourism... and Great BMX supporter), GAVIN-D ANDREW (XBR),
Boyde Yung (Harley dealer), and some Other Famous Guests. (To be announced
soon! - Top Secret! )
Mum will also receive FULL FREE ENTRY for her Family (nominated riders)
to the Toowoomba Event for Both Days. This could be worth from $25 to
hundreds, depending on how many riders in the family have nominated, but
no matter how many, ALL FREE (via reimbursement cheque). And, just for
added effect, we will throw in the same FREE ENTRY to "Australia’s
Richest BMX Event - TOOWOOMBA - 2007"
After the 5 star / star studded breakfast, mum will be transported via
Harley back to Centre Track at approx 9.30am (just before racing starts)
to receive some other surprises and Gifts TOOWOOMBA BMX CLUB has put together!
Yes, including the flowers. No doubt mum will get plenty of photo attention
from Gavin-D, as well as other invited news media.
We will publish some pictures and a story of the winning Mum on XBR &
Yes mums, this competition is for YOU!!! So dad and the kids start emailing
in now. Kids check with Mum first, and remember it’s; "Why
Your Mum Deserves BMX MUM OF THE YEAR" in 50 words or less.
Trust me, your mum reeeally needs to win this competition, so start emailing
NOW or else you will be washing your own race gear for the next 2 years!!
And dad won’t get that new cruiser he’s been dreaming about
for 12 months...along with the XBR Babes!!
You will need to email your entry to:
and CC
In the subject heading of your email, type "BMX MUM OF THE YEAR COMP" and include your contact details.
Top five mums will also receive serious media mention with supporting
sponsors; - & XBR
For any further Info relating to this competition - please e-mail
Sinz press release
Vice Grips are the newest item from SINZ Racing Components. Each Vice
Grip has a 2mm lock on clamp built into the ends of the grips, so the
SINZ Vice Grips will stay in place. Vice Grips will be a breeze to move
when you want to change handle bars or remove your brake lever. Included
with each set of grips are removable grip flanges offered in 3 different
sizes, as well as an included end cap. The Thin grip design is very comfortable,
but will last a long time. The Vice Grip also offers a unique process
where the color logo is worked into the standard grip design, adding color,
to a usually one color item. SINZ Vice Grips are available in Pro size
and in Black only. The SINZ vice grips retail for $19.99 and can be found
at bike shops world wide. For more information on SINZ, please visit
SINZ has a full offering for riders of an affordable line of high quality BMX race products. SINZ offers products in a wide variety of sizes and colors as well as having different price levels of components. From inexpensive quality parts to full on Pro race level items, SINZ has an offering for everyone.
BMXSQ press release
The BMXSQ DK ShootOut Series saw about 270 contenders at the Pine Rivers
BMX Club. It was a perfect evening to either race or spectate, as the
riders did battle again for those very important points towards the final
Once again the BMXTRONIC GAUNTLET Competition was on at the break, and before we had even announced it..., the start hill was flooded with onlookers eager to get a front row seat of the pending action. A couple of "no-shows" that qualified for the BMXTRONIC Gauntlet from last round, meant that the next qualifiers (reserves) got a shot at fame and fortune.
The contenders were:
Two of the previous winners of this competition, Janssen & Winter, were in for the show and looking good. Last weeks second place (missing by .02 of a second) was Justin Lamb...!!, and there was no way he was going down again without a hell of a fight. Vockenson was the new blood on deck and is a hole shot expert on the track. So the stage was set for a monster shootout on the BMXTRONIC Gauntlet system.
As it panned out....!!, Justin Lamb's determination launched him out of the gate and into claim first place..., with a blitzer of a snap..., .06 seconds ahead of second place Brunjes who spun slightly on his run. I bet Justin wishes he got gates like that one every race. Justin it a strong person, but it's not just about raw power.. control, and nerves of steel, at the moment of truth count as well. Last weeks Hero Janssen blew out...., but round one winner Winter posted another threatening time. Kind of interesting that each week has seen a new winner, proving that any contender has a shot at the cash.
The low-down below;
JUSTIN LAMB (Winner $50 - 1.56)
MITCHELL HOWARD (1.68) - Mikes Bikes
Top eight for this Pine Rivers round get a crack at the BMXTRONIC GAUNTLET at DK ShootOut round 4, at Sunshine Coast - Yandina 25th Feb.
Starters for Yandina Round-4 (random order);
More Pictures of Racing Action & The BMXTRONIC GAUNTLET Comp, plus over-all points to date for all riders are posted on the BMX South Qld web site at
Team Staats/Dickies press release
For Team Staats/Dickies round three of the Daliston Team Trophy competition
at Te Kuiti (NZ) was going to be tough. The team went into the race in
2nd place but was down three riders, resulting in added pressure for the
remaining five riders. In Daliston racing each team has a maximum of eight
riders but only five rider’s (point) totals count.
Cory Martin (12 Boys) did not have a good weekend by his usual high standard but to be fair to Cory he was getting used to a new bike having just moved onto a larger frame after a recent growth spurt.
Kane Barry (13 Boys) was in a word… dominant! With no sign of world champion Trent Woodcock, who has been racing Mountain Bikes (DH) of late, Kane was all over his competition. He was equally impressive in his Cruiser races also. If I were a betting man I’d put my money on Kane picking up a national title this year, especially as the race is to be staged at his home track in Cambridge.
Wyatt Clinch (15-16 Cruiser) is my choice for rider of the round. Although Wyatt is the national plate holder for this class he moved up an age group after Christmas & is now having to race riders a year older than himself… & he still managed to take the overall win in class! Wyatt just seems to be destined for great things on his Cruiser.
Wayne Pottow (16 Boys) was back on his bike after a long break over Christmas & riding well all things considered. Wayne is a big, powerful young man with a huge amount of potential. His skills have steadily been improving also & once he gets it together he could go on to become a dominant senior rider.
Tim Ferguson (Elite Men) had no competition at all, which was great for the team’s points total but not so good for Tim. Tim is one of the most skilful riders in his class but he lacks the power of some of the bigger riders. He & I will be putting in place a program designed to improve his power & thus his acceleration & I’m certain that once his power output improves so will his finishes in the very competitive Elite class. Tim must also be a favourite for a top national placing this year as he also rides out of the Cambridge club.
So after the completion of round two, the team holds onto the two spot. Round three is scheduled for March 11 at Waitakere (Auckland).
Team Staats/Dickies would like to acknowledge the support of team sponsors; Dickies, Shift Racing, Horleys, Spy Optic, & DMT Shoes.
On Friday we kicked off a discussion to find out why people aren't racing
at this years Australian National Championships, it's apparent that it's
not any 1 reason, but costs are certainly a factor. Below are some of
the comments from our readers.
Matthew Butterworth/Western Australia
I won't be travelling to Adelaide for several reasons….
1. It's Adelaide
2. I was there is 2003 and took it as an opportunity to have a holiday
and do some touristy things around racing. Not much attraction to go back.
3. Cairns was awesome. New location and plenty of stuff to do outside
4. Dates are prohibitive to attending re: annual leave
5. I can't really justify another BMX trip to the Minister of Finance,
especially to Adelaide.
6. A 2 year old has to have a plane ticket!!
Let's go somewhere different!!!
Ben Maher
I'm not going to the Aussies because it costs too much money.
Steve Hunter/Victoria
I'm not racing the Aussie Titles because BMXA discriminate against older
riders (they're not alone there).
I ride 20" and I ride Cruiser, and they don't offer a class for me
in either, irrespective of how many 50+ age riders, like myself, want
to compete.
The fact that a 55 year old rider like me isn't going to compete will
be met with complete indifference by the powers that be, I'm sure.
Trouble is, that if I'm not going, then my son's not going either, so
they miss out on more than just me. Wonder how many times that's repeated?
I'm going to race at the ACT Titles instead; they still discriminate against
50+ plus riders (this year, unlike previous years, they seem to think
that life ends at 45), but I'm only racing guys 10 years younger than
me at Canberra. That's almost easy.
There seems to be a lot of people upset with the Australian Championships
this year because of class changes, costs, distance, date changes, etc.
If you are planning to not compete at the Australian Championships this
year let us know and tell us why. You never know maybe BMX Australia might
be interested to hear too.
Send your emails to,
dont forget to include your name and where you are from.
With the new elite cruiser classes for women at the Australian championships
there are a few people that are trying to find out who's racing which
classes to ensure there will be enough riders in the classes.
Ziggy Callan is our first response, she's riding junior Elite Women so
will also be riding junior Elite cruiser.
If the new classes effect you, please let us know which classes you will
be doing so we can compile the list.
Junior Elite Women | Junior Elite Cruiser |
Ziggy Callan | Ziggy Callan |
Cat Hopkins | Cat Hopkins |
Last week we ask you the readers to tell us what you thought could be
done to improve BMX. It seems that most of you are quite happy with the
way things are.
Here are the 2 responses we did get:
Colin Ironside/Bendigo
Hi bmxultra. I think that bmx should improve it's way of advertising the
sport. The sport of BMX is about having fun at a competitive level. There
should be more race meetings in Australia, more TV coverage on BMX races.
We should go to the schools and show kids BMX racing, let them know what
it is all about and tell them how they can get started.There should be
more tracks in Australia, just like one of my BMX friends who used to
race back in the 80's said, there were heaps more tracks in Australia
and more people. With Olympics coming up there should be more people wanting
to race BMX, and more money in the sport. But it should be all about having
fun!! and riding.
Andrew Jones
No. 1 the breaks at some of the bigger events could be a little shorter
for 2 reasons some of the cruiser classes like myself take a bit to get
going again, also anyone with sprockets racing will know how quick they
get sick of sitting around. They all seem to like the racing but not the
long breaks, boredom comes quickly.
No2 Some of the jumps I think would be better with the landing area before
the down ramp flat instead of lipped like the front section. I have seen
a lot of over the bars and bent wheels from some of the smaller kids attempting
these jumps. I can't see how this changes the jump other than the looks
and would encourage more people to have a go at making them instead of
backing off to avoid a crash. This would make for faster and closer racing.
I have only been in the sport for 12 months or so and will still ride
whatever is there but also enjoy close racing as well.
The bigger bmx events such as open days, regionals & nationals tend
to be long days that can drag on a bit.
Is it possible to split the racing into 2 blocks for the larger race meetings,
as follows:
1st block - run all their motos and finals in first session :
Age Classes up to 9yo
Cruiser classes
to be immediately followed by:
2nd block - run all their motos and finals in the second session:
10 & up Age Classes
Pro Classes
This should make proceedings more interesting, and such a change may also
encourage more older teenagers to stay in the sport.
Sirius Bicycles press release
Just a quick line to you know that Sirius Bicycles are the NZ & Australian
distributor for Formula Bicycles. 2006 catalogues should be available
from all good bike shops soon & additional info will be available
online at
shortly also.
Sirius Bicycles are also currently talking to a very fast South Australian about riding a Formula Solution frame for 2006. Details will be made available as they come to hand.
Gavin D has been working hard on the 2007 Factory Teams Challenge
(FTC) held during the Track Attack series in Melbourne during January
and already has the dates for the 2007 series.
Sat 20th, Sun 21st, Tues 23rd (evening), Wed 24th (evening), Fri 26th
(public holiday), and Sat 27th.
Since there are only 2 rest days we'll have to take a look how the BSX
2007 (Royal Children's Hospital fund raiser) can fit in. We are thinking
later on Monday afternoon, anyone have any suggestions?
by Greg Siinmaa
Calling All Metro Victorian BMXers
The very popular Knox and Eastfield Friday night clubby series is on again.
It’s the best fun you can have with your pants on. For only $6
Round 2 is this Friday night 17th Feb at Eastfield
Hey I stuffed up last week and said it was $10 entry when it is only a very low $6 Yes that’s right only SIX dollars
$6 entry, All classes are pay back less $1 for first aid.
Sign in by 7.00 pm
Racing at 7.30 pm
4 motos (including finals if required)
All classes catered for, sprockets through to old farts and 14 Plus open.
There are no series points as such so any one can join in at any time
All welcome
by Louise Tye
I spoke to Sally Howie on this matter last week and yes if you ride Elite
or Junior elite in one class you have to ride it in the other.
There is no 20” class for females over the age of 16 so she would have to ride Junior elite. I have found myself in a predicament as I can ride 19+ Ladies cruiser but there is no 20” class leaving me with a choice of racing Elite in both classes, only riding 19+ cruiser and leaving the 20” home or riding 19+ cruiser Ladies and 30+ 20” mens class. We are able to enter male classes.
I have been told there will be no additional classes added this is it.
by Greg Siinmaa
For those of us that still contemplate doing the Aussie Titles the news
is bad for Victorians. BMX Australia has rejected the bid that was submitted
by the previous BMX Victoria for the 2007 Australian Titles. They will
be held interstate somewhere?
So Victoria misses out again and the year we thought we were staying home
without great travel expenses. Bad luck.
There will be a State Council Meeting on the 25th of March (to be announced)
so send your Club Delegate along to find out why and what we can do to
stop Victoria becoming a BMX Backwater.
One of our female readers is caught in the age where they will be eligible
to compete in the women's 18 & Under or junior elite cruiser class.
But it's my understanding that if you race in the elite class on one bike
you have to do it on the other. If someone out there can clarify that,
it will be a great help to the girls in the 17 and 18 age bracket. Also
if you are thinking of competing in either of those classes (women's 18
& Under or junior elite cruiser class) please send us an email to so
we can compile a list, that way you will have an indication of how many
riders will be in each of the classes.
There have been a bunch of press releases coming out of Psykopath
Industries for a number of months now, it's a company I haven't heard
much about personally. So I thought I'd get an interview in with Nick
Valencia. The Psykopath guys have an awesome set up and it sounds like
a lot of thought and time goes into perfecting their products.
Click here to check out
the interview.
Formula bicycles press release
El Cajon, California – The NBL points standings have been updated
after the RM59 Tropical Challenge in Puerto Rico and Factory Formula’s
Elite riders, “dR” Donny Robinson and Amanda Geving are both
leading the Elite Series standings. Robinson and Geving, by virtue of
consistent finishes so far this year, have built up a small points advantage
over the rest of their respective Elite fields. Robinson is also sitting
in second place in UCI Elite Men’s points. dR’s consistency
has paid off on his cruiser as well. He is currently leading the ABA’s
Pro Cruiser national points standings. Geving is also on top of the UCI
Junior Women’s point standings. 17 Expert Warren McDow is on top
of the points heap as well. But, not where you would expect. McDow, normally
thought of as an NBL rider, sits atop the ABA’s 17-18 Expert National
Age Group standings. McDow has been on fire, winning all but one Expert
main all season. McDow is also leading the UCI’s Junior Men’s
points by virtue of winning the UCI Junior Men’s class at the NBL’s
Christmas Classic race last December. The Formula team is no stranger
to winning. Mike Lundy dominated A Pro/ Superclass last season winning
6 of his first 7 Pro races including the NBL Grand National. Chad Kerley
had an impressive 2005, winning every ABA title available: District, State,
Gold Cup, ROC, ABA World Champion, and NAG #1. “I am very stoked
on the team we have assembled,” stated Formula Bicycles owner, Will
Rells. “We chose only the best of the best for our Factory Team
and our riders go out and prove it week in and week out.”
dR is pumped on his points lead but is realistic about what it means for the season. “It’s early yet and there’s a lot of racing left this year,” stated Robinson, “but I like my name being associated with being number one.” Geving echoed her teammate’s feelings. “Being in the number one spot is awesome,” said Geving, “but the Elite Women class is tough and it will definitely be a lot of hard work to stay here.” McDow simply promised to “keep it pimpin”, in true Warren McDow style.
Look for the entire Formula Factory team to represent in Boulder City, Nevada for the NBL’s Boulder Dam National.
Formula’s “Solution” Series of race frames are AVAILABLE NOW, factory direct and also through Formula features a full line of 100% American-built 6061-T6 Aluminum and 4130 Chrome-moly frames to fit just about every size and skill level rider. With features like CNC’d euro bottom brackets, dropouts, headtubes and chainstay bridges and geometry designed with input from the entire Formula Factory team, you can be assured that Formula bikes ride better, lighter, and faster than the competition. For more info email or call 619-590-0530. Also make sure to check out
One Bicycles press release
Arturs Matisons wins European Indoor title
Arturs Matisons, Elite Men from Latvia, wins the European Indoor
Together with his other Latvian friends Arturs didn’t attend the last 2 rounds due to a training camp in Spain. Latvian team mate Maris Strombergs (also in Spain) got 9th overall.
In Junior Men Roy van den Berg got 3rd in round 5 and 6th in round 6, putting him on 5th place overall.
Edzus Treimanis (Latvia), also in Spain took 2nd overall.
As metioned earlier this week, Aneta Hladikova from Czech Republic crashed, and broke her wrist. Still she took 6th overall.
ONE Bicycles' new webshop is online.
New items are added all the time and the shop is updated weekly.
From bike parts to helmets, from thongs (soon) to stickers.
Great value for a great price.
here to visit the shop.
You can tell when things are getting quiet around here because that's
when we ask you for your opinions...oh don't worry we have news, reviews
and interviews brewing...but some things just take time.
This time we'd like to hear what you would do to improve BMX racing, just
one thing would be enough, but if you have more that's fine. Personally
I would like to see it become more fun, everyone's getting way too serious
and it makes it difficult to get motivated to go racing when it's more
fun to catch up with a few mates and just go riding.
What do you think? Email your name, location and suggestions to
Wade Bootes was in Victoria racing at the Track Attack seires and the
BSX event in January. In between races he was chilling out in his pimped
out VW Transporter. This thing was fully decked out with 2 flat screen
TVs (one in the front and a much larger on in the back) and a speaker
set up that wouldn't just upset the neighbourhood, but the whole state.
Wade said it's all thanks to Strathfield for the installation and JBL
for Suppling the Products. Wade is so happy with his new toy that it's
no wonder why he's always smiling.
Thanks to Adam Phillips for taking the photos.
If you are looking for the entry form for the Northern Region Champs
and round 5 of the UCI Oceania ranking series in Aukland, New Zealand
on the 11 and 12 of March click here
to check out our race calendar.
The Psykopath crew have sent some preview photos of their 2006 model Race
and Street/Dirt frames.The frames are currently being tested, but should
be available (USA) Summer 2006. Stay tuned for more products, pedals are
on the way as well.
![]() |
![]() |
Zack Held holding up prototype race frame | Nick Valencia holding prototype street/dirt frame |
Check out for more information
One Bicycles press release
Aneta Hladikova, Elite Woman from Czech Republic, broke her wrist at round
5 of the European Indoor Championship in Zwolle, Holland.
While leading she hit a jump with her front wheel and landed on her wrist.
In 2 weeks Aneta may get plates in her wrist to reconstruct the complicated fracture.
Aneta had just signed a 3 year contract with the ONE KENDA BMX RACING TEAM.
She’s a former World Champion and is the 2005 European number 2 and World number 4 in 20” Elite Women.
We hope Aneta will recover soon and can get back to what she loves most: BMX.
Sponsored by:
Double A Marketing press release
Round 3 of the 2006 ABA Pro series was held this past weekend at the Lazy
E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. With what may have been the best ABA built
track in years, the Sooner Nationals made for some intense racing action.
Unfortunately, with a technical and jump filled track, there are crashes
and injuries. Jason Richardson was a victim of a major injury this weekend,
as he landed on a rider who was unable to jump the 2nd set of doubles
in the Pro section, causing Jason to have a major crash and break his
femur. We wish Jason a speedy Recovery and hope to see him and Brandon
Meadows back on the race track as soon as possible. Randy Stumpfhauser
and Kyle Bennett were both in Guthrie and here is how they finished up:
Randy Stumpfhauser had a dream weekend in Guthrie. While
hurt for the past few weeks with a sprained wrist from a bad crash in
Ohio at the NBL Christmas Classic, Randy returned last weekend in Puerto
Rico. After a bad weekend, for Randy's Standards, he went home and got
some serious training done. It showed in Guthrie, as he holeshotted ever
race he was in on Saturday up to the main events. As the AA Pro mains
started, it was clear that Randy was the most dominant Pro on the track.
With a 1st, 2nd, and 1st finishes overall in the 3 main events, he was
the clear winner. Randy also went onto smoke the field in the Pro Cruiser
class. On Sunday, Randy had the same kind of day, as he won a lot of his
races, including the first of the 3 AA Pro mains. Unfortunately, in the
2nd main, Randy was just off the pace and was in 2nd, where he passed
the lead rider through the Pro section, but in the turn just after it,
tangled up and crashed in the turn, leaving him on the ground and finishing
8th. Randy went on to win the 3rd round and finished 2nd overall in the
AA main for the day. Randy also finished 2nd in Pro Cruiser, and admitted
that he was flat out tired after the long weekend. Randy loved the track
and looks forward to more expertly built ABA tracks in the future. Randy's
sponsors include GT Bicycles, ODI, Kenda, AC, Tangent, Sun Rims, Bombshell,
Fly Racing, Powerbar, CTI Knee Braces, OGIO, X Balm, Tool Shed, SDG, SRAM,
Easton, S & M, Cyto Max, and
Kyle Bennett made the short trip from his home in Texas to Guthrie, and it was a trip he will surly soon want to forget. He was riding strong and smooth but was the victim of bad luck. On Saturday, he was involved in 2 bad crashes during the day, keeping him out of the AA main event. On Sunday, Kyle rode smart and was in the AA semi, where he once again ran into bad luck and didn't make the main event. Kyle will be ready for the next stop of the BMX Pro tour in 3 weeks in Las Vegas Nevada, for the NBL's 3rd round. Kyle's sponsors include Free Agent, KHS, Kenda, Fly, Bombshell, Sun Ringle, UGP, Thomson, Utopia Eyewear, THE Products, S & M bars, ORP, Shimano, Powerbar, Cyto Sport, and
Double A Marketing proudly represents Cristian Becerine, Kyle Bennett, Dale Holmes, Brandon Meadows, and Randy Stumpfhauser. For more information on any of the riders, or on Double A Marketing, please visit
by Greg Siinmaa
Its the best fun you can have with your pants on.
$10 entry, All classes are pay back less $2 for first aid.
Sign in by 7.00 pm
Racing at 7.30pm
4 moto's (including finals if required)
ALL CLASSES CATERED FOR.Sprockets through to old farts and 14 Plus OPEN
By Kent Elliot
O.K.... 278 Riders attended the meet - with plenty up for grabs, including
the BMXTRONIC start system which will be given away at the last round
to a lucky top three rider. Each round of the series will see the top
8 pro riders from the previous round, take on the BMXTRONIC Start system,
with the fastest timed rider receiving $50 cash each round.
The contest was conducted during the break, so the riders only had one test gate..., and then ShowTime. It was Game-On right from the start... as the competitors had a feel of the pressure from the previous week at Nerang.
The BMXTRONIC system was set up on the Centenary Plains start hill by Smiley Janssen, with Tony Ulyate Officiating and Frankie on the comms geeing up the crowd. Once again the first straight was flooded with onlookers each side of the first straight to cheer their chargers.
STEVEN JANSSEN 1.62 (Round-2 Winner $50)
DIRK WINTER 1.70 (Round-1 winner $50)
STEVEN "Stiffla - Stiffy....!! - & any other silly Stiff name
you can call him these days.." JANSSEN picked up the Fifty Cash this
round. Stevey Snapped a Blitzer gate....on the "PinkBits" machine...,
only just knocking off Justin Lamb by .02 of a second. Note only 0.16
seconds between the whole eight contenders. Steve also showed us a new
party-trick with how to wear the $50 dollar note (see pics) - I'm sure
Stiffla will be looking for a matching $50 dollars in the future rounds...
for the other ear.. or perhaps... lip..., nose... or whatever...!! good
one Stevey - always the showman. Yes...! we know it could have been you
Sammy (Baber)....!!!! but you will have to keep seeking your 15 seconds
of fame at future rounds. Yes..!!! Everybody wants to get into the BMXTRONIC
Comp... for Fame and Fortune. Just come Top Eight in 14+ each week and
your IN... easy hey...!!! (Yeh..! Right..!)
Well done all.... and a great new and exciting attraction at the DK Shootout
Series..., thanks to BMXTRONIC. You can check out the system at
The on track Action was Very HOT again with all riders striving for those
vital points - remember..., top 3 from any expert age class (excl sprockets)
at end of series go into the hat... the winner drawn out gets to keep
the BMXTRONIC Gate System. So ride Hard for those Points guys. Also great
to see many newcomers to the sport, especially in the younger age classes
(4 to 13).
The Sprocket Action was Extremely hot over all age classes... and I think I can already see some Gold Medals in the corner of their eyes. As usual... the Sprocket mums and dads were screaming their lungs out.... peddle...peddle..!! the trick is, from experience, mums and dads..., you just gotta YELL LOUDER...!!! great stuff from the Sprockets (& mum and dad). run a great story (and pics) so check it out. (Also - a famous SQ sprocket features in XBR page-26... but we can't say who... cause it's a guessing game...!! Hint - he is partial to mud...!!! .... "Go Ahead..., Make my Day....!")
Novice action was great... in fact I don't even think we may have a novice class next year... as they will all be wearing 1 to 8 plates.
Also great to see the Senior Cruiser ranks starting to fill up again for both Genders. There are certainly some colorful characters in there to watch. I think we even saw a set of Retro-Nerang pants (oldschool) getting around... COOooooll Man....!!!. Could this be the start of a Retro come-back...!!!???? - there's another good comp for XBR... Best Retro Gear at a race meet... (hope those old dust collectors still fit guys...!!!)
Plenty of 14+ action with 4 gates of big names lining up. Really great to see so much young gun talent out there..., pushing the established 14+ group to the limit... making them work for their supper. Codega seems to be riding with a new found menacing passion... maybe that Factory Teams Challenge win (PhireBird) boosted the troops..??? Ha..!!! that Stretch Limo wouldn't of hurt the profile either boys..!!! LOL. Limmy looked like the lost kid at a party..., wanting a piece of the BMXTRONIC Gauntlet Gate action..well..., Limmy..! your up on show at next round... (& the Chief...).
Gavin-D's XBR Paper made it's debut and the rush was on to get a First Edition copy before racing starting... Good to see some pretty famous local (SQ) Young Guns on the cover. General feedback from all was Gav has hit another Winner for what may be future sold-out issues - personally, in my opinion, the best way to get XBR is to subscribe.... it's cheap... it's easy's to your letter box... and you'll probably get your copy ahead of everyone else in Australia.... so be first to get XBR each month and subscribe now. See the XBR Girls picture below. Also - BMXSQ says check the back page (P28) of XBR to see our Major Sponsor of the Shootout series.
See you all at Pine Rivers Club Sat. 18th Feb. The BMXTRONIC Contest will be on again... Some New faces in... some old faces back for another Shot at cash & fame.
DIRK WINTER (Rnd-1 winner)
STEVEN JANSSEN (Rnd-2 winner)
JULIAN LIM (new in)
ALEX COSELL (former contender)
SAM BABER (former contender)
JUSTIN LAMB (former contender)
RESERVES (in order):
Mitchell Howard
Michael Vockenson
Neil Brunjes
James Connell
AND CLICK ON: DK SHOOTOUT-2 2006 Cent. Plains
NOTE: T2 - Australia's Richest Open-Day - Toowoomba 18th & 19th March.
You should see the Big Names that are flooding in for this event. Get
your nominations in now to retain your normal plate number.....
Formula Bicycles press release
Guthrie, Oklahoma – Formula Elite riders dR Donny Robinson
and Amanda Geving made the trek to Guthrie, Oklahoma for the ABA’s
Sooner Nationals this past weekend. All-in-all it was a successful weekend
for Factory Formula with Geving and Robinson putting up some great numbers
when all was said and done.
dR’s luggage made it in time this weekend so he was suited up and ready to go for Pro practice Friday evening. There were a lot of crashes this weekend in the Pro ranks taking out Jason Richardson, Bubba Harris, Mike Moeller and Danny Caluag to name a few. BUT, for the first weekend in a while, dR wasn’t one of them and stayed on his bike, and when that happens, you know Donny will definitely be found on the podium. Saturday, Robinson battled on his Formula Solution Pro with nemesis and good friend Randy Stumpfhauser in AA Pro to finish second overall. Pro Cruiser was more of the same with dR finishing on his Formula big bike right behind Randy for another second place. Amanda Geving survived the carnage that was Women’s Pro finishing in fourth, just off the podium.
Sunday, Geving battled her way onto the podium, this time in third right behind Kim Hayashi and Arielle Martin. dR had some bad luck in the AA Pro main, finishing sixth. But, Donny was a lock in Pro Cruiser winning hands-down over Stumpy, splitting wins with the champ for the weekend.
Not a bad weekend for the Formula Pros – one win and four podiums out of six mains overall. Next up, the NBL’s Boulder Dam National in Boulder City, Nevada. Look for the ENTIRE Formula Bicycles Factory team in full force at Boulder City.
Donny Robinson and Amanda Geving join Superclass/A Pro standout Mike Lundy, UCI Christmas Classic Junior Men’s champ Warren McDow, and ABA NAG #1 12 Expert Chad Kerley as the sole, elite members of the Formula Bicycles Factory team. Their mission? To R&D the best bikes in BMX.
Formula Bicycles’ Solution Series race frames in either 6061-T6 aluminum or 4130 chrome-moly are AVAILABLE NOW, factory direct. To find out how you can get a brand new Formula Solution Series race frame, please email or call 619-590-0530. Also make sure to check out for all the Formula info you need.
We hear from a good source that Michael Fenwick is back on Australian
soil after spending a couple of months racing on the AA Pro circuit in
America. In a tough international field Michael has been producing some
great results and making a name for himself. He's not winning finals yet,
but he sure is making it to a lot of them, and he's only just getting
He should also be in his new ride before we see him race again.
Sinz press release
Factory Team SINZ wins Washington State Race
While many teams are focused only to winning factory team competitions at the Nationals, Team SINZ isn’t afraid to go to the local and state events not only to race, but to have fun and in the process win a few team titles.
Team SINZ was put together for the fun of the sport, but now it seems we have awoke some silent giants, as the team keeps turning out 1st place finishes and on this weekend a win in the Factory Team Competition.
“I think it’s a combination of the family atmosphere, no pressure race situation, and great parts and bikes that have made Team SINZ a force to be reckoned with at the races.” noted by Team Manager Steve Fritz.
Patrick Underwood also stated “We really have motivated the kids with this great opportunity to become a member of the SINZ factory team. We want to say thanks to SINZ for the chance and let them know there are plenty more wins to come along with this one.”
Look for the team to be ready for another win and in full force at the upcoming ABA Great North West Nationals in Pasco, Washington in early March.
For more information on SINZ products, please visit
SINZ has an affordable line of high quality products for BMX racing. SINZ offers products in a wide variety of sizes and colors as well as having 2 different levels of components. Parts include Ti Wheel sets, Gear, Brake Sets, Pedals, Cranks, Vice Grips, seat posts, seat post clamps, bottom brackets, chain Tensioners, free wheels, cog packs, cassette hubs, seat and post combs, chains, spd cleats, and more, SINZ brings you every thing you need to cross the finish line first. From inexpensive quality parts to full race level well priced items, SINZ has an offering for everyone.
Psykopath Industries press release
Factory Roster- 2006 Team Psykopath
The 2006 Psykopath rosters have now been released and are as follows.
Be on the look out for both pro and amateur riders at local and large
races throughout the season. NBL, ABA, and UCI races will all be covered.
Make sure to check out all the new frames and parts that are available
Factory Team
Castro AA Pro- Columbia
Damian Lopez AA Pro-Argentina
Mike Kilpatrick AA Pro-Pennsylvania
"S! erving in the US ARMY"
Terry Tennette Vet Pro- Nor Cal
Carl Renowitzky Vet Pro-Nor Cal
Horacio Couto Pro Cruiser-Ontario,Canada
Cam Musil A Pro-Florida
Gustavo Lopez A Pro-Argentina
Sean MacLaskey A Pro-Texas
Omar Sawyer A Pro-Nor Cal
Sergio Salazar A Pro-Columbia
Donald Goodwin A Pro-Nor Cal
David Lindberg A Pro-Colorado
Brandon Brown A Pro-Minnesota
Zachary Whitten A Pro-South Carolina
Alex Fowler A Pro-Nor Cal
Amateur Team
Nick Valencia 21x West Coast TM
Jay Rhodes East Coast TM
Terry Jason Jr. 8x
Jr. Ferreu 9x
Nick Roos 18x
Austen Lee 17x
Kyle Zondervan 19x
Andrew Renowitzky 17x
Angel Trevino 12x
Bobby Esquivel 16x
Bruce Rhodes 16x
Teri Rhodes 15G
! Teresa Esquivel 14G
Issac Mcneil 22x
Dj Loertsher 22x
Jr. Russel 9x
Juan Salazar 23x
Rob Payne 23C
Dean Townsend 36C
Joel Rodriguez 36C
The Team would like to thank the following sponsors for making things
possible:Xtreme Ryd Clothing, Answer Bmx,, and See ya at the track in 2006
To find out more about Psykopath visit
Double A Marketing press release
Round 2 of the 2006 NBL Pro series was held way down south to Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico is under the U.S. customs jurisdiction. Borders are open between
P.R. and the U.S., and it seemed as the entire country invited BMX'ers
to come down and race the RM59 Tropical National experience. With some
of the nicest people you will ever find at a BMX national event, even
rain or wind could not put a damper on the excitement of round #2 of the
2006 NBL Pro series. Here is how the 4 Double A Marketing riders finished
Cristian Becerine always is fast but in Barceloneta,
he put it all together on Saturday and won start to finish in the Elite
Men's Pro main. The ironic thing is that on Wednesday night, Cristian
wasn't even going to go to the race, as he had been sick all week. Unfortunately
on Sunday, Cristian had a bad crash in the semi and ended his good weekend.
Cristian's Sponsors include: Free Agent, Answer, Kenda, THE, Vigor Helmets,
Oakley, Sun Ringle, Shimano, Tool Shed, Powerbar,, OGIO, Cyto
Sport/Cyto Max, and Thomson Seat Posts.
Dale Holmes kept his international fans happy with a
appearance in Puerto Rico. Dale admiringly is in the early stages of his
2006 training program, but his experience and skills paid off for him
as he was in the Elite Men's Pro Open main event both days. Dales consistency
showed as on Saturday, he placed 3rd and stepped it up one spot on Sunday
with a 2nd.
Dale's sponsors include Free Agent, KHS, Utopia Eyewear, Kenda, Sun Ringle,
Thomson, Troy Lee Designs, S & M bars, THE Products, Shimano, Powerbar,
Cyto Sport, and
Kyle Bennett was coming off of a very bad crash in Oldsmar,
Florida the week before and wasn't sure if he was ready to race in Puerto
Rico. Kyle made the trip and made the best of it, as on Sunday, he placed
3rd in the Elite Men's Pro main event.
Kyle's sponsors include Free Agent, KHS, Kenda, Fly, Bombshell, Sun Ringle,
UGP, Thomson, Utopia Eyewear, THE Products, S & M bars, ATI, Shimano,
Powerbar, Cyto Sport, and
Randy Stumpfhauser was also making his return from a
crash, but his was at the Christmas Classic. Randy crashed in the Pro
Main on Sunday, injuring his hand. Randy had to sit out of Reno and Oldsmar,
but made it back still a bit sore for this weekend. On Sunday, Randy overcame
his injury and was in the Elite Men's main event, where he finished up
8th for the day.
Randy's sponsors include GT Bicycles, Hyundai, ODI, Kenda, Tangent, Sun
Rims, Bombshell, Fly Racing, Powerbar, CTI Knee Braces, OGIO, Tool Shed,
SDG, Easton, S & M, Cyto Max, and
Double A Marketing proudly represents Cristian Becerine, Kyle Bennett,
Dale Holmes, Christophe Leveque, Brandon Meadows, and Randy Stumpfhauser.
For more information on any of the riders, or on Double A Marketing, visit
by Hazel Westbury - Royal Children's Hospital Foundation
Thank you to all your competitors and sponsors, to the spectators and
most of all to you, for such a fantastic and successful event. It's great
to learn about every aspect of the day in your newsletter and to see what
fantastic support you received for such a well-orchestrated event.
Congratulations and thanks to all!
Kind regards
Hazel Westbury
Senior Fundraiser
[Editor: If you dont know what BSX is check out]
press release
THE Products is proud to announce the arrival of the all new THE Vice
After months of testing, the THE Vice grips are ready for you to ride. The Vice Grips, a lock on style grip, is the first grip to use a special manufacturing technique to produce a multi colored grip logo on the same layer of the grip. The clamps will keep your grips on tight no matter what the weather is like outside and will make switching handlebars or brake levers a breeze. The Vice clamp feature also helps you keep a set of grips a lot longer, as the dual density construction will help the grips stay in tact after mutable bar changes and removals.
The grip is offered in 10 Different colors combos, including Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Grey, and Green, in different color schemes, giving you a lot of choices to pimp out your ride any way you like.
Each set of THE Vice grips includes 3 different sized removable inner flanges - Small Size, Half Cut Large Flange, and Full size flange. Each set of THE Vice grips also include a set of THE debossed End Plugs.
THE Vice grips can be found at bike shops world wide.
For more info, please visit
The Helltrack race for 2005 was rescheduled for February 26, 2006 and
looks to be shaping up to be a nice meeting.
Download the entry form on our race calendar
for full details.
To our Victorian readers looking for some racing action this weekend,
there is a Royal Children's Hospital fund raiser at the new(ish) Wyndham
Warriors track at Hoppers Crossing on Sunday. For more information about
Sunday's racing click here to check out
the entry form on our racing calendar.
BMXSQ press release
Each round of the DK Shoot-Out Series will see the top 8 pro riders
from the previous round, take on the BMXTronic Start system, with the
fastest timed rider receiving $50 cash each round.
The top 8 to compete at Centenary Plains this weekend;
50 Dirk Winter (Round-1 winner $50)
50 Sam Baber
48 Steven Janssen
42 Neil Brunjes
39 Justin Lamb
36 James Connell
35 Nathan Simpson
35 Michael Young
33 Jasper Gaffney
31 Mitchell Howard
31 Matthew Hill
27 Kris Ulyate
Should any of the above top 8 riders not be able to attend, or pull out,
that place will be filled by the next rider down the list - based on points.
Competing riders will get their picture on the zone site as per last week
- and will be posted to supporting web-sites for publication.
( yes Sam...!! you get your picture in the paper... again...!! you big
See you all at Centenary Plains this Sunday 5th for the Second DK Shootout
event - this event starts at 12pm and is the catch up round due to round-one
being rained out.
The BMXTronic Contest will be on again...
Points to date for all, will be posted on BMXSQ web-site soon.
Formula Bicycles press release
Barceloneta, Puerto Rico – Factory Formula Bicycles rider Donny
Robinson joined brand new teammate Elite Women’s racer Amanda Geving
for the NBL’s RM59 Tropical Challenge in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
Despite some bad weather, the small race packed quite a punch with most
of the heavy-hitters in the Elite classes making the trip.
dR’s trip started off on a bad note with his gear bag not showing up in baggage claim in Puerto Rico. Donny’s brand-new Formula Solution Pro made the trip, but no clothes. That meant no race gear – shoes, pants, helmet, gloves, or jerseys. According to the airline his gear bag would make it to Puerto Rico at 4pm - Saturday afternoon. So dR had no gear for practice either day and Saturday’s racing. To make matters worse, dR had teammate Amanda Geving’s jerseys in with his gear and rain was threatening the race weekend. dR missed Friday afternoon practice and with the help of a J&R jersey and some sweats, Donny was ready to ride on Saturday morning.
Amanda Geving made the most of the trip, battling hard with good buddy Kim Hayashi. Amanda powered her way on to the podium both days with two second place finishes for the weekend. Watch out, Geving is definitely a rider on the move, getting faster and faster every day.
Donny has been going super fast lately - always finding himself at the front of the pack. Bad luck has kept him off the top of the podium lately, however, with some nasty spills. Saturday was no exception. Donny was battling with Cristian Becerine and Bubba Harris for the lead in Saturday’s Elite Men’s final but went down hard in the first corner, re-injuring a healing wound he got the previous weekend in Florida. The injury was severe enough for him to sit out the Elite Open main. Donny went back to the hotel that evening to regroup and get himself together for the next day. Luckily, his delayed luggage arrived at the hotel as promised, and Donny felt like his luck was about to change.
Sunday was a different story for Robinson. After his race gear arrived at the hotel the night before, Donny was ready to rock on Sunday. Holding it together for the Elite Men’s main, Donny was once again battling for the lead and finished on the podium once again with a second to Robert DeWilde. In the Elite Open main, dR pulled down yet another podium, this time with a third place. Not a bad day for Robinson, who is looking to regain the consistency that carried him through the last half of 2005. Next up for Donny is the ABA’s Sooner National in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Donny Robinson and Amanda Geving join fellow Formula Factory Team riders
Mike Lundy, Warren McDow, and Chad Kerley on their Formula “Solution”
series frames. All Formula race frames are available now FACTORY DIRECT.
Please contact Formula by email at
or call 619-590-0530 and make sure to check out