name Powerlite is not new to BMX racing, and it's no secret that Powerlite
is made by the international cycling giant GT. Given both these factors
it's difficult to understand why the Powerlite handlebars are so often
Since I first tried a set of Powerlite bars, nearly 10 years ago, I haven't been able to use any others, so what's the big deal? Powerlite bars have a bend about an inch and a half in from the end of the bars which means the bars actually fit better in the palm of your hands. It also means you get a better grip of your bars which is more comfortable.
You would not believe the difference it makes when doing gates, jumping or just cruising around. The bend is not so extreme that you'll have problems fitting brake levers or needing special levers, any standard lever will fit without hastle.
To get a better idea of how the Powerlite handlebars feel go to your local Powerlite dealer and trying them yourself, you won't be disappointed.
Reviewed: 21/09/99