
Eddy Clerte Coaching Clinic at Knox BMX

Elite World Championships finalist and former pump track World Champ will be putting on a coaching clinic at the Knox BMX track ahead of the 2022 Knox Thunderdome. Learn from one of the world’s best! Mum’s and Dad’s, I don’t know about you but I couldn’t think of a better early Christmas present.

The Knox BMX Club’s Thunderdome has always been a great show case of Australia’s best BMXers. The two day event is always action packed and top 8 shootout is always a highlight of the event. Find out more about the event here: Tack a Eddy Clerte coaching clinic in front of that and you have yourself a heck of a weekend to remember for years to come.

It’s not clear if Eddy will be racing as he doesn’t appear on the entry list yet, but there are rumours that Izzac Kennedy will also be racing, also not confirmed. Imagine the show these guys could put on with the locals headed up by Max Cairns, Bodi and Wade Turner.

Check the Sunn post below for all the clinic details and booking information.

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