
Scot Breithaupt: Old School BMX Gallery #2

On 9 August 2006 I caught up with Scot Breithaupt in Apple Valley for dinner after visiting Answer BMX and Supercross BMX. I got a call about 8pm asking if we were still on. Hmmm…still on for dinner with The OM of BMX? A “Hell yeah” and then an apology for being so late blurted from my mouth. We caught up, I was struggling a bit not only with jet lag but I also had a cold. So after dinner it was off to the chemist for some strong cold & flu tablets. It was getting late, I hadn’t arranged for any accommodation yet. Scot made some suggestions but they didn’t pan out. Scot then suggested I take a spare bed at his house, we chatted for hours, he kept popping in and out of the room with some super rare prototype SE gear and Alliant gear telling me all about the history for each piece. At one stage Scot passed me a CD full of images and told me to copy them. I wasn’t sure what I would find but I did what I was told. Looking back through the images a lot of them would probably mean more to Scot than a lot of us but they are all here for everyone to view.  The following morning I headed to LAX bound to Boston. Scot wanted a photo, but we didn’t have a photographer so to me he was the innovator of the selfie.

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Scot mentioned my visit on the following day.

“…We had a good night with Aussie Shane Jenkins from … scarfed some good Italian food and yacked BMX till midnight! he’s in the US on biz… Crashed out in the spare room.. We laughed our fannies off when we left the restaurant.. Shane is so used to driving on the right side of the car, he jumped into his rental PT Cruiser on the passenger side and looked perplexed, holding the key and of course, there was no steering wheel on his side! LOL..LOL.. He’d been up 24 hours or so from flight etc.. Laughter is a good thing!”

We hope you enjoy the gallery. Hopefully we’ll be able to dig up some more stuff from the archives.

The gallery


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