
Video: The SE Fat Ripper – Radness Defined

I received a press release from Todd Lyons over at SE saying “the Fat Ripper web edit is live!”

I know the whole idea of the Fat bike is very polarising, people will love it or hate it, but not too many people will sit on the fence with this one. Personally I want to have a ride on one to see what all the fuss is about and see if it really is as agile and versatile as TL has made it look these past few months.

We’ll let Tl have the last words on this one “I’ve had so much fun on this bike. Yes, it’s a 26” wheeled bike. And yes, the tires are kind of fat. But this thing is BMX and has unlocked some doors of RADNESS!”

To find out more about the Fat Ripper and other products from SE Bikes check out

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