BMXPress Magazine Issue #63 is out now
Catch all the best Australian BMX Racing action in the latest issue of BMXPress Magazine. Issue #63 is out now at the newsstands nationally.
On the cover is Australia’s Golden Girl, World Champ Caroline Buchanan.
Once again we have plenty of action with coverage of another 15 races, including events such as the UCI Worlds, Queensland Titles and lots more.
This issue has 132 pages of full gloss, full colour Aussie BMX race action, all wrapped in an oversized format page size.
While you are at the newsstands, if you are into BMX trails, BMX Park, BMX Freestyle, then grab yourself a copy of the latest BMXLIfe magazine.
This magazine is also 132 pages of packed wall-to-wall, full colour Aussie BMX Freestyle action to satisfy your addiction for a while…
Both mags are still only $9.95 and are available now at better newsstands nationally.
Thanks to all those people who make BMXPress and BMXLife magazines happen.
Warwick Wheeler

Posted in: News