Interviews’s Conversations with Colin Stiles

We’ve had the pleasure to chat with Colin Stiles (USA) to kick off our “Conversations with” interview series. Colin is a former A Pro and Vet Pro racer who’s had his finger in many pies; he has run coaching clinics across America, is responsible for the Stile Industries clothing brand, the owner of Transit Race DVD series and long time presenter of the Rail The Berm podcast.

Throughout this very relaxed 2 hour and 15 minute conversation we discuss Colin’s racing career and how he managed to juggle his responsibilities.

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  • 0:00:00 How he got started
  • 0:18:25 Stile Industries clothing
  • 0:27:25 Transit Race DVD series
    • Colin’s favourite interview Randy Stumpfhauser
    • Filming with Warwick Stevenson
    • Why Bubba Harris is Colin’s favourite racer and the Tiger Woods of BMX racing
  • 1:37:24 Colin’s time with Rail The Berm
  • 1:49:26 Life after BMX racing

Through the conversation there are a number of tangents where we touch on big hill racing, the US racing experience, the state of BMX racing today, the pump track/jump park revolution and how it could potentially effect the BMX race scene.

We hope you enjoy this interview series and we hope to bring you more soon.

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