
Tioga FASTR X Tires Added to Gear Calculator

We’ve added 20 x 1 1/8″ and 20 x 1 3/8″ Tioga FASTR X tires to the Gear Calculator.

For two decades we have been committed to providing the best and most comprehensive FREE online BMX Gear Calculator available, keeping it up to date with the latest in BMX racing tires. If you notice any tire options missing be sure to contact us and we will add them as soon as we can.

While all other gear calculators provide you with the Gear Inches or Roll Out for your specific gear, ours provides an accurate chart based on your tire of choice, so you can compare other gear options with just a single gear selection.

As always we do plan to update the iPhone/iPad app soon to bring it in alignment with the online calculator.

The free web based online calculator works well on any browser and device (Android devices, iPhones, iPads, PCs, laptops, etc) and we encourage everyone to take full advantage of the free calculator.

Check out the updated online version here:

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